•¾ State of Tennessee
•¾ 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
•¾ US Department of State
•¾ Mediterranean Trading Co
•¾ Walbert Animal Hospital
•¾ Central Eastern Inc.
•¾ Pany Concrete Inc.
•¾ NAI Global
•¾ Lower Saucon Township, PA
•¾ Allen Township, PA
•¾ Anoopam Mission Int.
•¾ Payless Corp.
•¾ Bidville Co.
•¾ Greek Embassy in the U.S.
•¾ Formula Driving Centers
•¾ Bethlehem Steel
•¾ European Commission
•¾ Nationwide Insurance Company
•¾ Bank Leumi
•¾ Old Guard Mutual Insurance Company
•¾ Miners Bank
•¾ Aetna Insurance Company
•¾ Netcracker Co.
•¾ FASTNET Corp.
•¾ U.S. L.E.C. Corp.
•¾ Bethlehem Police Department
•¾ State of Tennessee
•¾ 10th Circuit Court of Appeals
•¾ Colonial Regional Police Department
•¾ Lehigh University Police Department
•¾ Lehigh Valley International Airport
•¾ Teamsters Union
•¾ Lehigh Carbon Technical Institute College
•¾ Lehigh County Sheriff's Department
•¾ Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce
•¾ Hellenic-American National Council
•¾ Hermes Trade Show
•¾ Hellenic News of America
•¾ Agora Food Corp.
•¾ Keystone Food Coop.
•¾ Occidental Corp.
•¾ Middlesex New Jersey Planning Board
•¾ Piscataway Township Board of Education
•¾ Franklin Township Planning Authority
•¾ U.S. Department of State
•¾ Mediterranean Trading Co.
•¾ Walbert Animal Hospital
•¾ Central Eastern Inc.
•¾ Pany Concrete Inc.